
Nice Pictures Of Animals photos

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Some cool pictures of animals images:

Creature of the Day
pictures of animals
Image by EpochCatcher
Bull ants, also know as bulldog ants (you can guess why), are primitive ants of the genus Myrmecia. They are aggressive, carnivorous, and to top it all off, they possess a painful, venomous stinger on the tip of their abdomen. Needless to say, these aren't your average picnic ants. They are endemic (only found in) Australia, so they are of special interest to me! I found this particular ant while hiking out in New South Wales' Blue Mountains. My website: bit.ly/VIb9Ev Facebook: on.fb.me/13IOQ1G Twitter: bit.ly/VIb9Ex Tumblr: bit.ly/13IOSXc Pinterest: bit.ly/VIb9Ez YouTube: bit.ly/13IOQ1I

Creature of the Day
pictures of animals
Image by EpochCatcher
Some of you are new to this page and might think that I focus entirely on the sea. Believe it or not, underwater photography is new to me (although it has certainly become my favorite!!!). I started out as a landlubber, and I take lots and lots of terrestrial photos. Case in point: this great egret hunting in a stream at Cairns Botanic Gardens. You've probably seen these fellas hanging out around lakes, rivers, and estuaries in the United States, but they live all the way over here in Australia, too! View image on my site: bit.ly/19iOCnw My website: bit.ly/VIb9Ev Facebook: on.fb.me/13IOQ1G Twitter: bit.ly/VIb9Ex Tumblr: bit.ly/13IOSXc Pinterest: bit.ly/VIb9Ez YouTube: bit.ly/13IOQ1I
